Wednesday, April 20, 2011

you've got hail

my name spartacus. yesterday a weird thing happened. ice cubes fell from the sky! have you ever seen anything like that? my daddy called it, "hail". when ice cubes fall from the refrigerator they are called, "ice cubes". when they fall from the sky they are called, "hail".

my daddy was looking out the back door and he goes, "those are awfully big rain drops. and they're hard too. they're bouncing off the grass. hey girls! it's hailing!" so we all went outside and watched it bounce off each others heads. at first it looked like they were popping out of the ground and my daddy and sisters laughed at me cause i got excited and jumped at them like i would when i chase a ball or sumpin. then i chewed them a little the same as i do with the ice cubes that fall from the refrigerator.

it's strange to see ice fall from the sky but i figured out how it works. you see there is a gigantic refrigerator in heaven and when an angel or somebody gets ice for a drink, they sometimes drop some too just like peepole do when they use their mortal ice makers. isn't science fascinating?!

i think they should call it "haiven" instead of "hail". somebody's getting ice! gtg!

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