Thursday, February 2, 2012

the pick up spartacus

my name spartacus. lately my daddy has been taking me with him and Cookie to pick up Honey when she gets done with what ever it is she does during the day.

when he takes me it makes my sisters real happy. Cookie says, "Yea!" and she wants to put the leash on me. then i go a little nutso and when we get in the car Cookie tells my daddy to roll the window down for me. if there is anything better than having the wind gushing into your face at a million miles an hour please let me know!

we get to this big ginormous house where they keep all the kids like Honey. we park and wait until they break free. i think it must be a coordinated plan cause first there is a mass breakout and then they all run to the get away cars waiting for them and high tail it outta there. the best part is when Honey sees me. i always see her first and wag my tail and then when she sees me she becomes happy no matter how bad a day she's had. she smiles real big and says, "Hi Spartacus!" real excited. i make her happy.

i have a theory about this big house: you know how your brothers and sisters keep getting bigger, but you never see them grow? you see where i'm going with this? that's why they're gone all day! all the peopole puppies go to the big house every day to be stretched! they stretch them until they can't take it anymore and then they break out.

so this is how peepoles get bigger. this is also why no one wants to get up in the morning. i just can't figure out how the parents work into this. i don't know where they go when they leave, but i do know the mommies and daddies help them get away.

anyway, they call these big houses school and that's what they do there. i don't thinks it's right. i want them to stay little. they should do what my daddy did; i bet he missed a LOT of school.

time to break out Honey! gtg!

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