Friday, March 9, 2012

my fambly is guitarded

my name spartacus. my daddy has this thing called a guitar and he recently brought home guitars for the whole fambly - or else one of his guitars had a litter. do you know what a guitar is? here is a picture of it in case you never seen one.

i can't tell if a guitar is alive or not. it doesn't move by itself, but it smells like a tree and it sings when you pet it. when it falls down it gets mad and goes, "GRRRRRRRRRR!" i think that's a growl, but i don't speak guitar. sometimes i accidentally pet the guitar with my tail and it sings to me when i do that. just like my sisters!

but guitars are a mystery to me. they rarely eat and they never ask to go outside and i haven't found guitar poop anywhere. my dog brain hurts. gtg...

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