Monday, January 31, 2011

the great out-front-doors

my name spartacus. i like to be outside. i don't know about you, but i like it. i like it so much that my daddy put in a doggy door so he wouldn't have to get off the couch so much. i broke two doggy doors so far cause i just get so excited to go outside and then i get excited to come back inside so i run through the door as fast as i can both ways. that way i don't waste any time on either side. when i first got my doggy door i was afraid of it. i didn't know it was a door for me. then one day my cousin, auggie, came over and he goes, "that's crazy!" and he ran right for the door and he ran right through it! and i was like, "awesome!" and i got so excited cause he was so excited that i followed him right through it and now i'm not afraid of my doggy door.

but that's not what i wanted to blog about. i wanted to say yesterday was an awesome day cause i got to be out front and everybody was with me. it was awesome except i didn't get to play catch me. i was tied to the front yard. but that's ok cause i got to watch my sisters play and look at the neighbors who all look suspicious to me.

the only part i didn't like was when i had to sit still for a picture. my daddy would tell me to sit, but i didn't feel like sitting. so then he would say it in his mean voice and push my butt down. so i would sit for a second to make him happy and then get back up and then he would tell me to sit again! sometimes my daddy drives me nuts. so i sat down about 6 or 7 times until they decided that i had sat enough times, i guess, and then i got to go back to my peepole watching.

but the point i wanted to make was; here i am sitting out front on a glorious sunday afternoon enjoying a warm sun and a cool breeze. my sisters are playing, my daddy is piddling, my mommy is snapping and i think to myself... my butt itches...

Saturday, January 29, 2011

tell tails; a dog poem

my name spartacus. i know i've talked about my tail before, but i've got a lot of time on my paws. sometimes i write poetry and this is a poem about what makes my tail wag. sumpin you can all relate to...

tell tails
by spartacus

my tail tells a tale
of the feelings i feel
but so you don't think that i'm bragging,

i just want to share
for those who might care
some good things that get my tail wagging

when my fambly comes back
or i'm offered a snack
this triggers my rear-end appendage.

a walk never fails
to set off my tail
even in hurricane windage.

when the can-opener calls
i'm like pavlov's dog
cause my mouth; it gets all slobbery.

when the doorbell rings
into action i spring
and i bark just in case it's a robbery.

a pat on the head
cat under the bed
or sumpin i find awfully smelly.

children at play
on a cool sunny day
and, of course, a good rub on the belly.

sometimes it is sumpin
i didn't see comin'
the surprise of a new found old bone.

but the wag you can't see
is one deep inside me
when we're all safe and sound and at home.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

blog day afternoon

my name spartacus. nothing much going on so i'll tell you sumpin about me that i forgot to tell you. i'm a boston terrier/boxer mix. i have a little boxer body and a big boston terrier head. sometimes one of my bottom fangs sticks out and my daddy likes that 'cause he says it makes me look like king kong. i think he means it as a complement.

i'm the baby of the fambly. i'm 28 years old. Honey, my oldest sister, is 77 and in 6th grade. my second older sister, Cookie, is 49 and in 2nd grade. my daddy is 315 and my mommy is 29. nobody knows how old the cat is, but she's just a cat.

i have 5 peepole cousins and 2 dog cousins that i've actually met. i told you about auggie. he's a big awesome gray dog who thinks everything is crazy. my other dog cousin is gigi. she is just a little dog. i mean she is little. the first time i saw her i thought she was a squirrel. can you imagine how excited i was to have a squirrel in the house?! anyway she is little. my cat is even bigger than her. she doesn't know she's a dog and she hates my guts. i think she's awesome.

i'm an inside dog, but i'd rather be outside unless it's raining. i won't even go pee if it's raining. i like car rides. my favorite foods are everything except candy and vegetables. i get in trouble for half the things i put in my mouth, but my only real vice is stealing food. i can't help it. i'll risk any consequence. it's a sickness really.

well that about covers it. some stuff i've already talked about and this is starting to cut into my mid-morning nap. gtg.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

full contact fetch

my name spartacus. my daddy is looking through the magic window (more on the magic window in another blog) at a peepole game where these big lumpy guys run into each other and fall down. the only part of the game i understand is that they are trying to get a ball. i get that. that's another game i like; when my daddy and i fight over a ball.

now i don't bite, but once when we were playing too ruff (sorry) i accidentally bit his, um, little champion (i try to keep this blog fambly friendly in case puppies read it). i thought i was in trouble until i saw my sisters laughing.

now i know how to incapacitate an adult male peepole. pass that along to your friends.

so my daddy rolled around a bit and that was my chance to jump on him and run away. and i did. needless to say, he didn't want to play anymore (so i clearly won), but he never even yelled at me or anything this time. i think because Honey and Cookie told him not to get mad at me and that it was actually his fault! my sisters are an awesome buffer for me sometimes.

maybe the peepole game will get daddy in the mood to play. i'm gonna go find a ball! or a shoe! gtg!

Saturday, January 22, 2011

i stink, therefore i am

my name spartacus. i like the way i smell right now. that's usually about the time they give me a bath. i don't like taking a bath, but i'm a good boy once they get me in there. they trick me by calling me from the bathroom. i don't know about you, but i always come when i'm called; 'specially to the bathroom. you can find the most awesome smells in there!

i always come when i'm called - that is - unless i've somehow gotten out the front door and i'm playing "chase me". i love playing "chase me" with my daddy cause have you ever seen an angry old man chasing a happy young dog? it's hilarious! i'm awesome at it, but usually the game will end with more of their trickery. mommy will pull up near me in the van, open the door and call me. at that point the only thing happening in my brain is, "car ride!" and there's nothing i can do. i'm toast. game over.

this isn't fair and i don't think it should be allowed in the game. if we didn't get to use our brains, i'd win every time.

what was i talking about? Honey is calling me to the bathroom! AWESOME! GTG!

Thursday, January 20, 2011

happy tails

my name spartacus. i am happy. i'm always happy; even when i'm sad. right now mommy is asleep cause she's sick. i'm staying close to her to make her feel better. so i'm sad that she's sick, but i'm happy to be with her and help her. i'm happy though my tail isn't wagging gggg gggg gggg gggg ggggggg ggggggg. sorry. i had an itch and i don't know how to erase on the computer. so yeah, otherwise you can see i'm happy by my tail. i feel sorry for the peepole who don't have a tail. having a tail is awesome! it's very expressive. i don't just wag when i'm excited or 'cause sumpin is awesome or to say hello. sometimes my wag is an awkward smile; sometimes it's embarrassment or guilt; sometimes it's hopeful. but it's always cause i'm happy cause i'm pretty much always happy.

of course that's just me. my parents don't make me fight or keep me tied up or anything. the most i get is whack on the snout from daddy for having a bit of fun with the litter box. i don't see what the problem is. it's a win/win if you ask me. daddy doesn't have to deal with cleaning the litter box and i get a treat. it's a delicacy really. but i dogress. get it? um where was i?

so whether i wag my tail apologetically or cause i'm playing with my awesome sisters, it's always cause i'm happy. and remember; if you ever find yourself MY AWESOME SISTERS ARE HOME!!!! GTG!!

here is a picture of the litter box:

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

peepole are awesome!

my name spartacus. i'm a good boy. i live with four awesome peepole who are awesome and a cat who is awesome. she is just like one of the fambly. i have two sisters who are awesome cause they always leave food within reach. my mommy calls me her handsome boy and daddy yells at me all the time. it's awesome.
anyway, my mommy started a blog and, after i figured out it wasn't something to eat, i decided to start one too. a dog blog for dogs! awesome! i say "awesome" when sumpin is awesome. some dogs say, "insane" or "wicked" or "crazy". I say "awesome". my cousin, auggie, says, "that's crazy!" like i'll tell him my fambly came back home again today and he'll say, "that's crazy! mine did too!" and then we'll run around some more.
i don't know 'bout you, but when my fambly comes home i flip out. i can't help it. each time your peepole leave, you assume it's forever, right? so when they come back after a few days (time is very complicated and hard to understand. as far as i can tell, they are usually gone for-EVER and then come back later that day after a few weeks or maybe even days of dog knows what.) i'm so happy to see them i just go a little nuts. i wag my tail wrecklessly, i grab the nearest shoe and walk around aimlessly while wimpering with joy. in short, i lose all sense of self respect and humiliate myself. finally i calm down enough for an ear rub or some hugs and kisses.
but that's not what i was gonna tell you. i should warn you that sometimes my mind tends to randomly wander; i'm a dog. i just wanted to say that i think peepole are awesome! you see my peepole got me out of a cage and took me home one day. now instead of living in alone in a cold cage awaiting my fate, i'm in a nice warm house getting my belly rubbed on a regular basis. you see what i mean?
well i enjoyed blogging you and...THE DOORBELL!!! GTG!

p.s. there's a perfectly good tree in the living room and i'm not allowed to pee on it. here's a picture of it...